Ordinary Faculty

Edward E. Andrews

Professor of History

Early American Colonial and Atlantic World; race, religion, & slavery

Jessica Blum-Sorensen

Assistant Professor of Classics

Latin poetry of the early empire and the epic tradition

Patrick H. Breen

Associate Professor of History

American Ante-Bellum; Slavery; Nat Turner

Matthew Dowling

Assistant Professor of History

French Colonialism; French colonial Polynesia

Vefa Erginbas

Associate Professor of History

Early Modern Ottoman Empire; Modern Turkey; Middle East

Robin Greene

Associate Professor of History

Hellenistic poetry; ancient and natural history and popular science; Greek historiography; early Christian narrative

Thomas Grzebien

Assistant Professor of History

Medieval Europe

Karen Holland 

Assistant Professor of History

Early Modern Europe (England and France); Women and Gender in Ireland; Material Culture

Jennifer Illuzzi

Associate Professor of History

Modern Europe; Romani populations; Modern Germany; Modern Italy

D. Colin Jaundrill

Department Chair

Associate Professor of History

Modern Japan; East Asian history

Jeffrey A. Johnson

Graduate History Program Director

Professor of History

Gilded Age and Progressive Era; American West; Labor

John Lawless

Assistant Professor of History

Ancient Greece

Alyssa Lopez

Assistant Professor of History

20th Century African American History; film history; race, culture, and activism

Sharon Ann Murphy

Professor of History

19th century Social, Economic, and Business history; Financial history; history of capitalism

David Orique, O.P.

Professor of History

Age of Exploration; Spanish and Portuguese contact, conquest, and colonization of America

R. Alexander D. Orquiza, Jr.

Assistant Department Chair

Associate Professor of History

20thcentury US cultural history; Immigration history; Food history; Asian American Studies; Modern Philippines

Constance M. Rousseau

Professor of History

Medieval Europe; Italian Renaissance history; 11th-13thcenturies; Medieval Canon Law; Western Civilization; Women, Family, and Gender history

Osama Siddiqui

Assistant Professor of History

Modern Britain; British Empire; Modern South Asia; intellectual history and the history of economic thought; history of translation

Francesca Silano

Assistant Professor of History

Late-imperial and early-Soviet Russian history; Orthodox Christian life in twentieth-century Russia

Steven Carl Smith

Associate Professor of History

The American Revolution; the Early American Republic; history of the book in the US; history of media and communications; the history of New York; Urban history

John Vidmar, O.P.

Associate Professor of History

Monasticism; The Popes; The Inquisition; The Reformation; 19th century Catholicism; American Dominican History

Adrian Chastain Weimer

Professor of History

Colonial America; early modern religion and politics; intellectual history; constitutional history; toleration

Guolin Yi

Assistant Professor of History

Modern China, East Asia, World History (theories), Comparative Media