History Major

The Department of History and Classics at Providence College is excited to offer a new History major curriculum, effective with the class of 2024.  We believe that our new, revamped major, which doesn’t alter the existing number of History courses a student must take, has two major advantages.  First, by reducing the number of U.S. and European history requirements and adding a history requirement within the following areas: African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American, Indigenous, and Transnational, it prepares students to understand the increasingly global, cosmopolitan, and diverse world that we now inhabit.  Second, it adds an elective, which gives students greater flexibility to choose courses that align with their intellectual passions and personal interests.  This could mean taking more courses in specific regions of interest (i.e. U.S., Asia, Latin America, etc.) or forging a course of study based on a particular thematic focus (i.e. race, gender, warfare, politics, religion, etc.).  

Sample Four-Year Plan

1st Year

Fall Semester

  • DWC 101 (4 credit hrs; Honors 5 credit hrs.)
  • HIS 100, or US, Global, or European History Major Requirement
  • HIS 170 Intro to PC History and Classics [encouraged]
  • Quantitative Reasoning Core [strongly encouraged for fall]
  • Foreign Language [encouraged but not required] or Free Elective

Spring Semester

  • Core
  • DWC 102 (4 credit hrs; Honors 5 credit hrs.)
  • HIS 100 Thinking and Writing about History or another HIS [if 100 is completed]
  • Theology 1 Core [suggested]
  • Core
2nd Year

Fall Semester

  • DWC 201 (4 credit hrs; Honors 5 credit hrs.)
  • US, Global, or European History Major Requirement
  • Core
  • Core
  • Core

Spring Semester

  • Core
  • DWC 202 (4 credit hrs; Honors 5 credit hrs.)
  • US, Global, or European History Major Requirement
  • Theology II Core (HIS 214 or 215) [suggested]
  • Core
3rd Year

Fall Semester

  • US, Global, or European History Major Requirement
  • US, Global, or European History Major Requirement
  • Core
  • Core
  • Core

Spring Semester

  • Free Elective
  • US, Global, or European History Major Requirement
  • HIS Elective
  • Free Elective
  • Free Elective
4th Year

Fall Semester

  • HIS Thesis Writing Seminar or Junior/ Senior Seminar
  • Free Elective
  • Free Elective
  • Free Elective
  • Free Elective

Spring Semester

  • Free Elective
  • HIS Thesis
  • Free Elective
  • Free Elective
  • Free Elective
History Major Requirements

HIS 100: Thinking and Writing About History

  • 2 U.S. History courses
    1 from HIS 255 or 256
    1 from HIS 257 or 258
  • 2 European History courses
    1 pre-1715 course
    1 post-1715 course
  • 2 courses from any of the following areas:
    African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American, Indigenous, Transnational
  • 3 History Electives 

Junior/Senior Seminar (or History Honors Thesis option)

Take a look at our specific list of courses that satisfy our U.S., European, and Global history requirements.  

Do you have Advanced Placement credits to apply? History majors with an Advanced Placement grade of 4 or 5 on the A.P. U.S., European and/or World History exam(s) will be given a one-course reduction in the required courses for the specific regional requirement (US, European, or Global History) and will be given flexibility in choosing the remaining course.  For instance, a major with a grade of 4 or 5 in U.S. History would be required to take only one more course in U.S. History and may choose any U.S. History course for that required course.

A limit of two A.P. scores of 4 or 5 will be recognized by the Department for reduction of the total number of courses in the major. Students can still apply any additional credits towards their overall credit requirements for graduation.

* Note that the new curriculum doesn’t apply to the current Classics or History/Secondary Education major programs.

List of HIS courses that fulfill Core Requirements

History and Classics Department

Office Hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Ruane Center for the Humanities Room 137